
Because of the war in Ukraine, a lot of aid is on the way. The municipality will receive questions about this. For example, about taking in refugees at someone’s home or what you can do yourself to help. In the coming period, the municipality will continue to monitor what help and support is possible and necessary from Dongen. You will find useful information on various topics on other websites. On this page, the municipality will keep you informed and you can find links to other websites.
Registering for reception facility
Refugees from Ukraine who are looking for reception facilities in Dongen: you can report to the emergency reception facility location at Jaarbeursplein (Jaarbeurs) in Utrecht. They are open every working day from 09:00 to 17:00. More information is available on the website of the municipality of Utrecht. Alternatively, you can send an e-mail to oekraineopvangutrecht@vluchtelingenwerk.nl. Read more about the first relief for refugees at Utrecht.nl
Information for residents and entrepreneurs
Resident or entrepreneur in Dongen and want to do something for Ukrainian refugees? Read more below.
Offering to help
I want to help! What can I do?
If you want to help but don’t know where to start, please send an e-mail to oekraine@dongen.nl. The municipality uses this address to make an inventory of the questions and the help offered. We refer people to the right place and try to answer the questions where possible.
Can I donate money to help Ukrainian refugees?
Money donations are always welcome. Donations can be made via:
Can I drop off items at the refugee reception facilities?
Up-to-date information about donating items can be found at Facebook Municipality of Dongen and Facebook Eagle Shelter. If items are needed, you will find an overview here of items that you can currently drop of and which cannot.
Eagle Shelter (Crispijnhof 9, Dongen) has volunteers who will take delivery of any items you wish to donate. Please call Eagle Shelter first on (+) 31 6 38 22 66 83.
You can also contact the Dutch Council for Refugees (Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland). They can determine nationally what is needed and where.
Can I employ a Ukrainian refugee?
Refugees from Ukraine are allowed to stay in the Netherlands for at least one year without a visa. This residence status allows you to employ Ukrainian refugees without a work permit. You must, however, report this to the UWV (Employee Insurance Agency).
Click here for more information.
Under which regulation do refugees from Ukraine fall?
EU Temporary Protection Directive
Can I sign up as a volunteer?
You can contact: the Dutch Council for Refugees and ContourdeTwern.
I am an entrepreneur and I want to help.
Please contact Sabine van Dooren on 06 11 72 59 52 or oekraine@dongen.nl.
I want to make my holiday home, house or room available to Ukrainian refugees. How do I do that?
The Dutch Council for Refugees is working together with Takecarebnb in this respect. You can offer your accommodation to this organisation by filling in a registration form. Takecarebnb will then contact you for a screening. If your accommodation is suitable and necessary, they will match you with the refugees. Takecarebnb already has a lot of accommodation available. It may take a while before you are screened. Go to Takecarebnb.org/gastgezin to register.
What is expected of me when I offer housing to Ukrainian refugees?
- Guide to Offering Private Reception Facilities to Ukrainians | Rijksoverheid.nl
- 10 tips for offering reception facilities to refugees | Takecarebnb.org
How long do I have to make housing available?
You can agree with the Ukrainians for how long you will offer the housing. For the refugees, it’s good to know they can use it for a long time, as long as the situation in Ukraine is uncertain.
Can I get compensation if I offer housing to Ukrainian refugees?
No, private individuals who offer their accommodation to refugees do not receive any compensation. Refugees receive living allowance every month. That is an allowance for food, personal expenses and housing. They can use this living money to pay for housing or meals. You can arrange this yourself with the guests.
Can I stop offering housing earlier (if necessary)?
Offering private housing is done on a voluntary basis. You can make proper agreements about this with your guests. Contact the municipality if lodging is no longer possible.
Does offering reception facilities to refugees in my own home have consequences for my social assistance benefit?
No, if you take in a refugee, this will not affect your social assistance benefit. This means that the rules on shared living costs are not applied as long as it concerns a temporary stay. You do have to report this to your income consultant.
I take in people from Ukraine in my house. Will this affect my home or contents insurance?
Please contact your insurance company.
I take in people from Ukraine in my house. Will this affect my liability insurance?
Please contact your insurance company.
Information for Ukrainian refugees
Below you can read information for Ukrainian refugees. For example, about registration, care and education or work.
Staying and living in the Netherlands
I fled from Ukraine and need a place to stay. Where can I go?
Refugees from Ukraine who are looking for reception facilities in Dongen: you can report to the emergency reception facility location at Jaarbeursplein (Jaarbeurs) 3521 AL in Utrecht. Click here for instructions on how to get there.
Can I choose my own abode?
If you register for reception facilities, the municipality will check where they can place you. Unfortunately, you cannot choose that yourself. Of course, you can also arrange reception facilities independently. Any reception facility costs will be payable by you.
How long can I stay in the Netherlands?
You may stay in the Netherlands for a maximum of 180 days without a residence permit. You do not need a residence permit for now. The Netherlands and other EU countries are working on a new scheme especially for Ukrainians. Until then, you do not have to worry about your right to stay in the Netherlands.
Do I have to apply for asylum?
Did you come to the Netherlands with a biometric passport from Ukraine? Or with a short-stay visa? Or do you have a residence permit for this country? In that case, you can stay in the Netherlands. You do not need to apply for asylum.
If you do want to apply for asylum as a Ukrainian, now or later, it may take some time before the IND (Immigration and Naturalisation Service) processes your application. The IND will not make any decisions on applications from Ukrainians in the coming months.
If you are not a Ukrainian citizen, permanent resident of Ukraine, or a first-degree relative, you will probably have to apply for asylum in order to stay here. This does not apply to non-Ukrainian citizens and stateless persons legally resident in Ukraine and who are not able to return to their country or region of origin. You can apply for asylum by reporting in Ter Apel.
Do I have to integrate?
It is not yet known whether you need to integrate. The municipality is waiting for more information from the central government for this.
Can I travel to Ukraine and then return to the Netherlands?
The 90-day period that Ukrainians without a residence permit can travel and stay freely to the Netherlands is over for most. You can request proof of residence from the IND. This proof shows that you have protection in the Netherlands until 4 March 2025. This way, you can travel within the European Union, to and from Ukraine. How long you can be in another EU country with this document is different for each country.
Since Friday 1 June, you can make an appointment at the IND in Den Bosch and in Rijswijk. At the moment, all date and time slots at these two locations are fully booked. New locations will open soon and you can also make an appointment there. Check the IND website and keep trying.
Do I keep my monthly financial allowance if I temporarily leave the reception location?
Since December 1, 2022, refugees from Ukraine may leave the reception location for a maximum of 28 days while retaining their monthly financial allowance (such as a living allowance). You must first report your stay outside the municipality of Dongen - even if you stay in the Netherlands - to the municipality. You can report this by email to oekraine@dongen.nl.
I have been repatriated or evacuated from Ukraine. What are my rights?
The Dutch government has a separate arrangement for the repatriation and evacuation of Dutch citizens and their first-degree relatives and a group of vulnerable Ukrainians. This group of people is entitled to certain reimbursements and insurances in the Netherlands. For more information, please contact Sociale Verzekeringsbank. Information is also available at overheid
I am a refugee from Ukraine, without Ukrainian nationality. How long can i stay?
Refugees from Ukraine without Ukrainian citizenship are under temporary protection until September 4, 2023. The government has confirmed that. Temporary protection was supposed to expire for these refugees from March 4. But that has now been extended by six months. The extension of temporary protection applies if you had a temporary residence permit in Ukraine. And if you were registered in the Dutch population register (BRP) in the Netherlands before 19 July 2022. You also retain the right to stay in the shelter for people from Ukraine. In addition, you retain the right to medical care, living allowance, education up to the age of 18 and the opportunity to work.
Registration (BRP)
What is Personal Records Database (BRP)?
The Personal Records Database (BRP) contains the personal data of people who live in the Netherlands (residents) and of people who live abroad (non-residents). Information is available at Government.nl.
How can I register in the Netherlands?
If you are currently staying in a hotel or one of the other municipal reception facilities, you do not have to do anything. The Dutch Council for Refugees will come by to complete your registration.
If you have arranged a reception facility yourself, for example through a host family, family or friends, you can make an appointment. In that case, please contact us.
Why do I have to register in the Netherlands?
By registering in the BRP (Personal Records Database), you are entitled to certain facilities in the Netherlands, such as housing, living allowance, medical care and education. The municipality does not share your personal data with other (international) governments.
I’m staying in Dongen and am registered in the BRP (Personal Records Database). What should I do if I want to move?
If you move from a host family or private reception facility to a municipal reception facility, you must report your move.
If you move to another municipality, you must notify the new municipality of your move. Your registration with the BRP remains unchanged.
If you move abroad, you must de-register from the Municipality of Dongen. Your registration with the BRP will expire.
I need (urgent) medical help, but I am not insured. What do I do?
For acute or life-saving assistance, call the emergency number 112. For non-emergency assistance you can contact one of the GP practices in Dongen. They can be reached from Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 17:00.
In the evenings and weekends, you can go to the hospital in Oosterhout for emergency general practitioner care. Please contact us first by phone at: +31 162 435 000. Only do this if your care request cannot wait until the next morning.
As a Ukrainian refugee, you can get psychological help from Wereld Psychologen.
I need a dentist (urgently). What do I do?
You can visit one of the dental practices in Dongen for emergency dental care only.
Will I be reimbursed for medical care?
Refugees from Ukraine with a BSN will fall under the Medical Care Scheme for Displaced Persons (RMO) from 1 July 2022.
If you urgently need medical care in the Netherlands and have no insurance (yet), for example, if you have a life-threatening illness, the reimbursement comes from a special arrangement for people without insurance. Your doctor or practitioner will request reimbursement for the costs. You do not have to pay a personal contribution for the treatment. Click on hetcak.nl for more information.
For more information about healthcare and associated costs, you can also visit Zorgverzekeringslijn.nl or What about the reimbursement of medical care? and Refugeehelp.nl.
Is transport to the care provider paid?
No. You must arrange and pay for transport for appointments with the general practitioner, dentist, hospital or specialist. For public transport information, please visit ov9292.nl.
I want to be vaccinated/have a booster against COVID, where can I do that?
First and second boosters are available at all GGD vaccination locations, free of charge and without having to make an appointment. Please bring valid proof of ID with you. Please note: these locations are not open every day of the week. For up-to-date information, please visit Corona vaccinations - GGD Hart voor Brabant (ggdhvb.nl).
What about other vaccinations?
This page provides information about vaccinations and population screenings.
I’m pregnant. How do I arrange medical care?
You can contact a midwife in your area directly or on the advice of your GP. Click here for more information.
For more information about the care of Ukrainian pregnant women and their babies, visit Frequently asked questions about the care of Ukrainian pregnant women and their babies | CPZ (kennisnetgeboortezorg.nl)
Where can I go for other healthcare questions?
Zorgverzekeringslijn offers free advice and practical tips about healthcare. You can always call, even if you are not insured. Call 0800 64 64 644, or +31 88 900 6960 if you’re calling from abroad.
You can also contact GGD Hart voor Brabant or the Red Cross. Send your question in a WhatsApp message to 06 48 15 80 53 with your name and telephone number. You can also leave a voice message. The Red Cross will answer in your own language.
I need care for my pet.
There is a national information line where help can be requested for the pets of Ukrainian refugees. Examples include help with, for example, vaccinations, medical help and practical matters such as baskets, food or temporary shelter.
If you need any help, please call 088 811 33 33 (from Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00) or send an e-mail to info@hulpvoordierenuitoekraine.nl. Visit the website for more information.
Can I work in the Netherlands?
Yes, refugees from Ukraine are allowed to work in the Netherlands. There is no need for the employer to apply for a work permit.
For more information about jobs for refugees, visit Rijksoverheid.nl. Or check out Refugeehelp.nl.
I’m looking for a job, who can help me?
You can start finding a job yourself. Below, we have listed a number of websites with vacancies:
Need assistance? Please contact Manon at DongenWerkt!. Call 14 0162 or send an e-mail to oekraine@dongen.nl. Visit RefugeeHelp for more information on finding a job.
I’m staying at a municipal reception facility. Do I have to leave if I have a paid job?
No, having a paid job has no consequences for staying in a municipal reception facility.
If you have paid work, only the provision of the living allowance will stop. Other reasons for stopping the living allowance are listed under: Living allowance.
I have found a job and want to stop my living allowance. How do I do that?
If you find a job, you have to send an e-mail to oekraine@dongen.nl. You can also notify the Dutch Council for Refugees. Your living allowance will be stopped from the first day of the following month.
Can I start my own business in the Netherlands?
Yes, click here for the conditions.
Living allowance
Click here to read more information about Living allowance.
Education and childcare
Can I study (or continue my studies) in the Netherlands?
It is not yet known under which conditions you may study in the Netherlands. For more information, please contact the UAF. The UAF assists students in their studies and in finding a job in the Netherlands. They also offer scholarships, advisory services and language classes.
You can also find more information in English about HBO (higher professional education) and WO (pre-university education) at studyinholland.nl.
Where and when can my children go to school?
Westerkim primary school in Dongen provides education to children between the ages of 4 and 12 who do not come from the Netherlands. The Dutch Council for Refugees helps you enrol your children. To enrol children in a school, you need a BRP registration.
Westerkim primary school
Vermeerstraat 1
T 0162 31 38 36
Children aged between 12 and 18 can receive education via the International Transition Class in Tilburg. You can register your child via the registration form at schakelcollegetilburg.nl.
If you’re stuck, please contact the Dutch Council for Refugees.
What do I have to do to send my child to school?
Your child must be registered in the BRP. An explanation on how to do that is given under: Registration (BRP).
More information about the Dutch school system can be found at RefugeeHelp.nl.
Please note: from 17 May, registration for education will take place simultaneously with registration in the Personal Records Database (BRP).
How does my child get to school?
Westerkim primary school is centrally located in Dongen and is easily accessible on foot, by bike or car.
International Transition Class
Regional transport is currently being arranged for children who attend the international transition class in Tilburg. Until then, the International Transition Class at Wandelboslaan 1 in Tilburg is easily accessible by public transport. Bus 327 stops near the school. Check this website for more travel information. Any travel costs will be reimbursed by the municipality. Pass this on via oekraine@dongen.nl.
Is there any childcare for children aged 0-4?
There are two childcare centres in Dongen. If you are happy for your child to go to childcare, please indicate this to your contact person at the Dutch Council for Refugees.
Am I entitled to child benefit?
If you are a Ukrainian refugee, and you do not work in the Netherlands, you cannot apply for child benefit. If you do work, you may be entitled to child benefit. Please contact Sociale verzekeringsbank for more information.
Am I entitled to allowances?
You may be entitled to allowances. This concerns rent allowance, child-related budget, childcare allowance and sometimes also healthcare allowance. Whether you are entitled to an allowance and how much depends on your situation. For more information, visit the website of the Tax and Customs Administration.
I would like to give my child Ukrainian homeschooling at our reception facility. What can I do?
At the time of registration in the Personal Records Database, your child falls under Dutch compulsory education. This means that children aged 5 to 16 are required to attend school (and be registered at a Dutch school). Ukrainian homeschooling does not replace enrolment in a Dutch school. You are of course free to provide Ukrainian homeschooling, but always in addition to enrolling in a Dutch school.
The Ministry of Education of Ukraine has created a schedule of classes for groups 1-11:
- Всеукраїнський розклад | Міністерство освіти і науки України (mon.gov.ua)
- Look for classes schedule in registering WHO on the online platform https://lms.e-school.net.ua/guide
- The All-Ukraine Online School is a platform for distance learning and co-education for students in groups 5-11 and methodological support for teachers: Сергій Шкарлет: платформою «Всеукраїнська школа онлайн» користуються у 122 країнах світу | Міністерство освіти і науки України (mon.gov.ua).
Where can I learn Dutch?
You can learn Dutch at TaalCentraal Dongen. In Dongen, volunteers give Dutch classes at ‘De Ontmoeting’ at Kerkstraat 52N in Dongen on Thursday afternoons. You can sign up via infodongen@contourdetwern.nl or call 0162 31 41 38.
In addition, in Tilburg, language lessons are offered by MST-Taalschool. You can sign up at Gasthuisring 54A in Tilburg during MST consultation hours on Wednesdays from 13:00 to 14:00. For more information you can also call 06 48 45 61 77 or send an e-mail to receptie@rooihart.nl. Please note that travel costs for this are not reimbursed by the municipality.
Sports and leisure
I would like to exercise, where can I go?
In Dongen, there are nine sports providers that offer free facilities. It concerns the sports of football, tennis, badminton, table tennis, hockey and athletics. If you are interested, you can contact the Dutch Council for Refugees or send an e-mail to oekraine@dongen.nl. The sports club will determine which group can exercise on which days and times.
Does Dongen have a library?
Dongen has a library that you can access free of charge. Click here for the address and opening hours.
Travel and insurance
How long is my driving licence valid in the Netherlands?
The validity of your driving licence expires 185 days after your registration with the municipality (BRP). After that, you need a Dutch driving licence. Ukraine is not one of the countries for which it is possible to exchange a driving licence so as things stand, you still need to obtain a Dutch driving licence at the CBR (Central Office for Motor Vehicle Driver Testing). For more information, visit the website of the central government.
Can I use public transport free of charge?
Since 1 June, Ukrainian refugees no longer have free travel rights. Fee travel was mainly intended for entry to the Netherlands. From now on, when travelling by public transport, Ukrainian refugees must have a valid ticket, for example a public transport chip card. This can be purchased at stations, in various shops and supermarkets, but also online at www.ov-chipkaart.nl or by calling 0900 0980.
There is one exception, namely the trains of the NS (Dutch Railways). On presentation of a Ukrainian ID and a German, Belgian, French or Austrian ticket not older than 24 hours, Ukrainian refugees can collect a free ticket at the Tickets and Service counters at railway stations.
Do I have to insure my car?
If your car insurance is only valid in Ukraine, you are not insured in the Netherlands. You can take out temporary motor insurance through De Vereende insurance company. They can be contacted by calling +31 70 340 81 00 or sending an e-mail to verzekeren@vereende.nl. Visit Expat.nl for more information about the validity of your driving licence, traffic rules and parking in the Netherlands.
Do I keep my monthly financial allowance if I temporarily leave the reception location?
Since December 1, 2022, refugees from Ukraine may leave the reception location for a maximum of 28 days while retaining their monthly financial allowance (such as a living allowance). You must first report your stay outside the municipality of Dongen - even if you stay in the Netherlands - to the municipality. You can report this by email to oekraine@dongen.nl.
Other questions
How do I get in touch with other Ukrainian refugees in the Netherlands?
If you want to come into contact with other Ukrainian refugees, contact the Dutch Council for Refugees. There are several locations you can turn to:
- Eagle Shelter, Crispijnhof 9 in Dongen. Click here for more information.
- De Cammeleur, Hoge Ham 126 in Dongen. Click here for more information.
- Jongerencentrum de Poort, Gasthuisstraat 3 in Dongen. Click here for more information.
In addition, there are several national foundations for Ukrainians in the Netherlands.
- Ukrainians in the Netherlands | Ukrainians.nl
- Ukrainian Community in the Netherlands | oekraine-diaspora.nl
Free translation website Pryv.it
There is a free translation website called Pryv.it (‘Hello, how are you’ in Ukrainian). The online tool is free and you do not have to download an app to be able to use it. With the tool you can directly translate conversations and messages into Dutch, English and Ukrainian. The website Pryvit - Speak any language explains how the tool works.
Communication card
The communication card with icons, Dutch and Ukrainian words can also help you during a conversation.
Drinking water
Drinking water in the Netherlands is of excellent quality. You can drink the water straight from the tap.
Many people offer assistance but unfortunately, not everyone can be trusted. That is why it is important to be aware of a number of points. They are: STAY SAFE WHEN ON THE RUN! - This is also human trafficking
You can find more information for Ukrainian refugees at Refugeehelp.com. Questions to the municipality can be sent to oekraine@dongen.nl.
Third-country nationals
Refugees from Ukraine can receive temporary protection in the Netherlands under the EU Temporary Protection Directive. The Temporary Protection Directive entitles you to reception and health care. And education for minor children. As well as the possibility to work in the Netherlands. If you are covered by the directive, you may stay in the Netherlands until 4 March 2024. On the website from IND you find out whether you are covered by this directive.
Freezing Temporary Protection Directive
Protection by the Temporary Protection Directive would end on September 4, 2023. The Secretary of States has decided to 'freeze' the termination of temporary protection pending a ruling by the Council of State. This ruling is expected in November 2023.
Third-country nationals retain the right to housing and benefits in kind.
Living allowance
Third-country nationals who are entitled to living allowances will continue to receive it.
Third-country nationals who need care will continue to receive care in the usual manner.
Third-country nationals retain the right to work. This all applies until the ruling of the Council of State.
Letter from the IND
Third-country nationals receive a letter from the IND informing them of this. This also applies to third-country nationals for whom a provisional measure has not yet been requested and/or taken. It is not necessary for third-country nationals to request a provisional measure from the court or Council of State.
More information
- The latest national updates can be found on the website of the central government.
- Current information such as advice for Dutch people in Ukraine can be found at Russian invasion of Ukraine | Rijksoverheid.nl.
- You can find everything about disaster relief plans in Central and West Brabant at Veiligheidsregio.
- If you have questions about iodine pills because of the threat in Ukraine, please visit the website of the central government for up-to-date information.
- An overview Frequently Asked Questions about the situation in Russia and Ukraine can be found on the website of the central government.
- An informative folder from the central government about how the Netherlands deals with the coronavirus. Available in three languages (Dutch, Ukrainian, Russian)
- Information about the war in Ukraine and our national security can be found on the website of the Ministry of Justice and Security.
- Current travel advice for Ukraine can be found on the website of the central government. Ukraine is colour-coded red and that means no travel.